Motorcycle Repair: cam to crank timing, fly wheel, tdc mark
Questionhi not to ur topic but seen there was an answer for a fzr250. my question is on the cam and crank positioning for the timing to be in sequence. there is a line type mark on the fly wheel and 130-140 degrees to that is a knotch on the sharft, do you know where they have to line up on the block or to wat marks they would line up wit to the cams? thanks for any assistance you may be abale to help my with......tim
AnswerHi Tim, I do not know much about the FZR250 motor I'm sorry. I do know that the TDC mark is easily found by looking at #1 piston and making sure it is at the top of it's travel. Then the cams on that cylinder should be in the center, as it will be on compression or on the rock between exhaust and inlet... Easiest way to get it right though, is to buy a manual! Good luck, Jan