Motorcycle Repair: Sportster Starter problem, clutch basket, clutch plates
QuestionQUESTION: OK. I removed the primary, cleaned the clutch plates, replaced it. Removed the Cam cover cleaned it all up. Replaced the cams with the lines all matching up. Got a new points and condensor for the timing, and put it all back together. I started it up and noticed some leaking of oil so I tightend the bolts. When I went to start it up again, My starter just winds up and seems to not engage. What do you think my problem is with the starter?
ANSWER: What year bike do you have?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It's a '75 Ironhead. Electric start only. 1000cc. XLCH.
AnswerCheck the starter gear to make sure its contacting the gear on the clutch basket. Also, check the starter gear to make sure it only turn in one direction. If it spins on the shaft in both directions then it needs replace
Good luck and happy riding