QuestionQUESTION: I had the rotor and stator replaced and the bike ran like a champ for one day.Three weeks later when i had the chance to ride again it started to backfire and cutoff.Replaced the regulator/rectifier and it ran good,but when i would get onto the throttle it would backfire.Found some trash in tne carb. bowl and cleaned it out and found the 2 wires for the voes bare and touching,replaced that and started it up and it ran fine,but when you would give it gas it would still backfire and cutoff and nothing,cut the switch off and back on then it would start up again and somtimes it would sit there and run if you didnot give it gas.HELP!
ANSWER: Pull the plugs and let me know what color they are
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: they are black and i am going to change from eletronic ignition to points&cond
ANSWER: Changing from the electronic to points wont help if the coil or plug wires are bad. If you change to points you will have to change the coil. The coil you have on there does not have enough OHMs
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: what should the resistance reading be on the plug wires and the ohms on the coil.And what coil should i use with the p/c if the plug wires and coil arenot bad?
Answerthe coil should have 3.2 OHms on the primary side. Should be around 15,000 on the seconday side. Plug wires should be around 10,000
If you change to points, then you need to get a coil made for points. Accel makes a good one
Good luck and happy riding