QuestionQUESTION: how much fluid does a tranny hold in a 94 1200 sportster and how much should you use in oil for the engine
ANSWER: The trans holds 32 ozs. The oil tank holds about 3 quarts. When filling the oil tank, fill to the mark on the dipstick
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: what is the types of fluids to use that work the best
AnswerType of fluids is going to be a personnel preference. If you ask a hundred people what fluid to use, you will probably get a humdred answers.
In the trans you can use sporttrans oil from harley. It works quit well. As to the oil, you can use either harley oil or another brand of 20w50 as long as its equal to harley oil
Good luck and happy riding