QuestionQUESTION: Hey man , I hava a 1989 HD sportster and when ever i take it for a run it leaks primary chain case oil. it appers that it is coming from the back of the chain case. Its not the drain plug underneath nor is it the gasket on the front,, any suggestions to what it might be.
thanks mark
ANSWER: Its probably the seal for the sprocket that is leaking. You would have to remove the cover and sprocket to get to it
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Is this very serious and how common is it, and is it expensive to fix.
thanks again mark
AnswerIts not serious, unless you let the trans and clutch go dry from the leak. Its not real common, but it doesn happen. I am not going to be able to tell you how much it will cost to fix. Labor prices are different all over the country as well as shop to shop, so it would be hard to put a price on it for you.
Good luck and happy riding