QuestionQUESTION: I recently bought a 2008 gsxr 600(used) while riding for awhile i noticed when i stopped the front brakes would lock up. after about ten minutes i would be able to ride it again. I bled the brakes 2 times each line separate. even bought a vacuum pump to get air out. My front brake lever is still dead. i get no tension when i pull. any suggestions?
ANSWER: if they locked up that indicated frozen pistons in the calipers or goo or some such thing in the brake lines....if this is resolved then to bleed them you must put the car-vacuum-bleederthatdoesntremovetheairfromcarlineseither away in another building, preferably in a different county. Or damage it in a vice, so that there is no temptation to use it.
Now :
bleed the master cylinder, manually, bleed the calipers, manually. The process is in a manual, but it goes like this- fill the mc, firmly squeeze the brake lever, crack the mc banjoe bolt till pressure releases and fluid comes out, hold lever tightly while the banjo is tightened, repeat....the same process goes for the calipers, do the closest one first, if there is a closest one...there are no shortcuts to this.
You should be ok, now, unless there is something I don't know.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: What you said worked. Thanks. the brake started to work. However when i got on the bike today i noticed the brake lever was real tight. i put the bike in nuetral and it barely moved. front brake pads were tight. i bled the master cylinder a little bit and the lever went back to normal. will this prob keep happening?
Answerit should not happen, maybe the pads were installed wrong ?? is there an extra antivibration plate/washer behind the pads or ?? I have seen brakes lock like that but the hydraulic action pushes the pads out and then they automatically recede as the hydr. pressure subsides, pulling the pads back... you can check if the caliper pistons are really tight, they should be able to be pushed back into the caliper with a large pair of pliers....