Motorcycle Repair: 1983hondashadow750vt, air fuel mixture, inpossible
Questionstarting problemns hot or cold will not start changed coils fuel pump plugs battery at times starts runs ok plenty of power slight popping sound from left exhaust.switch off after run inpossible to start.question when ign.switched on should fuel pump run when fuel tube is removed
AnswerSorry for the delayed response, I've been out in the yard burying a drain pipe. THere are two possibilities. First, the ignition boxes could be getting hot and stop working. If you pull one of the plugs you can see if it has spark by laying it up against the head and cranking the engine. If it sparks the problem is most likely fuel delivery. The fact that it runs with power cold, it sounds like it's running too rich. A hot engine needs a leaner air fuel mixture than a cold engine. If that's the problem, it could be plugged air filters, or float levels set too high. The fuel pump has a relay that shuts the fuel off when the engine isn't running so it won't run unless the engin eis running or unless you jump the whit and black wires on the connector to the fuel pump.