Motorcycle Repair: zx750, wheel locks, lil bro

i have a zx750 1993,it ran 5 months ago and now nothing i put a new battery in it,and still nothing the starter wants to turn but it seems li9ke crank is frozen or bound up......i had it in my garage4 and my lil bro knocked it over.......broke the clutch resevoir and handle ......if any help please let me know...i also tried pop starting it but the tire just stays lock up

Paul, it sounds like there is more to the story than the bike sitting for 5 months and being knocked over. If the starter will not turn over the engine and the rear wheel locks up when you let the clutch out on a push-start attempt, it is because the motor is seized.

Check the oil level and quality, if it smells burnt or is overfilled and foamy you need to take the bike to a reputable shop for some potentially expensive repairs.