Motorcycle Repair: boiling battery, ac volts, charging system

Hello Mike,i have a serious problem with my charging system.its over charging and cooking my battery.ive changed regulator and stator is fine yet it still boils them up.No one seams to know why.can i add some sort of ressistor to keep amps down.Volts read [email protected] aint electricaly minded and am at a lose.all keep saying its the regulator but ive done that and it still cooks.thank you for any help ay.

If your charging system is putting out 24 volts at 2000 RPM, then you have a charging system problem. I would start by testing the stator to see what its putting out. You didnt say what year the bike is, but you should be around 60 AC volts at 2000 RPM. Also, test it for ground with a OHM meter. If it passes, then you have a bad regulator. I have seen regulators come right out of the box bad, so you might have gotten a bad one.
Good luck and happy riding