Motorcycle Repair: 83 sportster xls, fuel mixture, air fuel
QuestionQUESTION: Is it possible to use a 1979-81 carburetor on an 83 with a vacuum advanced switch if so how would I hook it up. I would like the other carb because it has an adjustable fuel mixture screw?
ANSWER: You can hook it up, but you wont be able to use the vacumn advance. It is tied to the ignition modual. Your 83 carb has a adjustable air/fuel misture screw as well if that is what your looking for.
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: That is what i am looking for. In the manual it does not show a mixture screw for the air/fuel. Can you tell me where it is on the carb? Thanks again
AnswerIn the top of the carb, towards the back you will see a plug. the screw is located underneith it. What you have to do is drill a small hole in the plug and use a screw and pliers to pull it out. Be careful drilling it. The screw is just under the plug, so dont drill to deep or big. If you go to big you might mess up the threads.
Good luck and happy riding