Motorcycle Repair: harley voltage regulator, jumper cables, blown fuses

QUESTION: I have a 01 FXST and it completely cut out while starting, I cannot get any juice anywhere.. no lights airride etc. there are no blown fuses and the battery is putting out 12.7v, i am checking the voltage regulator and it's full of oil inside the plug. Is this normal? Should I also test the stator?

ANSWER: When this happens, does the power come back at sometime?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no, even if I jump start it, the power goes back off as soon as I disconnect the jumper cables...

Unplug the regulator and try to start it. If it starts then you have a short in the chargig system. If it doesnt, then you have a short or loose wire in the wiring and you would have to trace it out. It cant be the stator since the bike is not running. Start by checking the battery to make sure it good and then check both ends of the cables to make sure they are tight and you have a good ground. If they are ok, then you will have to go from the battery to the ignition switch and follow the power. You might either have a loose wire or a short
Good luck and happy riding