Motorcycle Repair: yamaha xs1100, clys, whan
QuestionAn interesting problem has plagued the life of this 1100 it starts great, sounds great, but when you start riding it at about 8-10 miles it will drop 2-3 cylinders when you come to a stop and let it idle all the clys. will fire again you go 2-3 more miles and it drops some clys again you stop and they all fire again and this will continue as long as you ride it. I know you are a honda guy but do you have any suggestions. Thanks
AnswerI have no direct experience with XS11s, but it sounds like the problem is probably in either one of the coils or the ignition module.
You didn't say what year yours is - did early 11s have points? If so it could be a condenser failing too.
I really don't know the best way to troubleshoot this, what with it returning to normal whan you stop moving, but I'll bet the folks at the XS Eleven usergroup can tell you what to do
Joining a good online usergroup (forum) is always a good idea when you have an older bike. The people there have probably had every problem you can imagine and are more than willing to share what they have learned. All they usually ask is that you share any insights you may have picked up along the way.