Motorcycle Repair: 1971 cl 100 honda, honda cl100, engine crankcase
1971 cl 100 honda
Can the can chain tesion be adjusted on my 71 honda cl100? If so how? thanks dave
AnswerDave, on the left side of the engine crankcase behind the cylinder is a lock nut with a slotted screw in it center. You have to loosen the lock nut and turn the screw out. This model is a little more difficult because it isn't automatic. It takes a little feel. If the engine is running I used to turn the screw out until the engine cam chain is quiet and then in until it starts to get noiser. Then back out just to the point the rattling noise just quiets down. The trick is getting the right tension. If it too high, it will wear out the slipper and if it too loose, it's noisy and accelerates the cam chain wear.