Motorcycle Repair: rear wheel spokes 72 cb 500, wheel spokes, cb 500
Questionis there a method to make spokeing a new wheel seem less complicated
AnswerBill, re-spoking a wheel is really pretty simple but you have to approach it methodically. If you look at the pattern of the hub and on the wheel, you will see the holes in the rim are directional and the wear pattern in the hub will tell you which direction the spokes are supposed to go. Lace up the inner spokes first and then tighten each nipple until you have the same number of threads showing on the spoke. A cordless drill is real handy here.
Leave the spokes somewhat loose still so you can mode the hub as needed to get the outer spoken in. Then install the outer spokes and follow the original pattern on the hub and rim. You will need a truing stand of some type so you can spin the wheel and check for alignment form side to side and verically.