Motorcycle Repair: oil mod for cam, american honda motor, honda motor co
Questionhow to find if oil mod is done on a 1983 magna v45
AnswerI would say that if it isn't making a top end racker, and you can adjust the valves then this has been done. Now, you will see some serious rocker arm and cam wear when you go in to adjust the valves if it has not been done. There is no way one of these has lasted this long without the warr. mod from Honda being performed. You could take the serial number to the Honda dealer, they should be able to find out for you, if they are a real, decent dealership..... these are getting really hard to find these days.
OR.... call American Honda's cust. service line, they should have this info:
Motorcycle Division
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 2200
Torrance, CA 90509-2200
Mail stop: 100-4C-7B
Telephone: (866) 784-1870