Motorcycle Repair: 89 Ultra Classic hard to start, stock carb, hypercharger
QuestionQUESTION: I have an '89 Ultra Classic that is extremely hard to start. You cannot choke it to start it or it won't start at all. You have to try to start it once it sputters and tries to run then you can choke it and sometimes it starts and sometimes it doesn't. Usually you have to spray starter fluid in it to start it. Just wondering if there is anything I can adjust to make starting easier. Thanks
ANSWER: What carb are you running as well as ignition?
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QUESTION: I don't know the specifics, but it is the stock carb and ignition with a hypercharger.
AnswerThere are a few things to check. One, make sure your choke is working properly. Two, make sure the pumper in the carb is not plugged with dirt. Three, test the coil and plug wires to make sure they are not weak, and last, check the timing, to make sure it is not to advanced.
Good luck and happy riding