Motorcycle Repair: Running issue with honda cb350, sediment bowl, fuel hose

Hi, I have a 69 honda cb350, I know its a little older than what you listed as far as being able to answer questions on but, it seems like the question is sort of a general question to me, so here it is. When I first started riding the honda it would start well, run for a good half hour and then would stall out if I came to an idle. Well I had to let it sit for a couple days due to inclimate weather. When I went out to start it, it just didn't want to run. So I Put some gas in it, seeing if maybe the fuel level was too low, Shortly after got it started. But now I have a new issue, if I turn the throttle it acts like it wants to stall unless I do it slowly, the bike now wants to stall out more often, and is laggy when I try to drive it. For example it seems like it wants to cut out almost? Hope you can help thank you very much.  

Josh, you are running out of fuel for some reason.  I'd start by checking the petcock sediment bowl and screen.  If you pull the fuel hose of one of the carbs does it have a full flow of fuel when you turn the petcock on?  If it does, the problem is inside the carbs and you'll need to pull them off to clean them.
