Motorcycle Repair: 1981 cx500c carb float level, vernier caliper, wireless router

Rich, I need to know what the factory recommended float level is supposed to
be on the keihin cv carbs that are on my cx500c.  The floats are the non
adjustable type .  By using two pieces of clear plastic hose and attaching them
to the float drain fitting I found one carb level to be at or slightly above
where the bowl meets the carb body and the other one about 1/4 inch below
the joint. Thank you very much for your help on this and my previous
question you helped me with.  The bike is running much better and I am
going to sync. the carbs shortly.  Thanks again, George  

Sorry it taken so long George, my wireless router quit working last week. That's a pretty clever way to check the float levels.  Unfortunately, as you've noticed there isn't a way to adjust them so I don't have a spec you can set them to.  If you pull the carbs hold them so the floats hang vertically and where the needle is just touching the seat, you can use a vernier caliper to measure the distance from the bottom of the float to the rim of the carb body where the bowl seats.  Those should be the same on both carbs. If they aren't you could have a problem with the seats or the needles such as a needle with a stuck plunder pin which should be spring loaded.
