Motorcycle Repair: 86 Harley softail flst, blown head gasket, harley softail

Motorcycle Repair: 86 Harley softail flst, blown head gasket, harley softail
1986 Harley
Has been running fine till last couple days. Has been pretty cold here in Montana. I let it warm up plenty, noticed rear cylnder good and warm front cylnder not so much. checked choke and it was fine. pulled front cylnder plug and was jet black, pulled rear cylnder plug and it has white tip. some rpms it runs smooth, give it a little gas and it cuts out and sputters.

Start with changing the spark plugs, if that doesn't help look at the front plug wire coil and then ignition. The manual for your model has all the tests in it for the before mentioned equipment. Insure your enrichner nozzel is spraying squarely into the center of the intake manifold and not just the front cylinder. Also a compression test on that front cylinder would eliminate a blown head gasket.