Motorcycle Repair: 1985 honda TD engine, high tension wires, honda cm125

i have recentley bought a Honda CM125 with a TD engine installed, whilst restoring it i have noticed that the left pot isnt firing properly and i could do with the correct timing procedure for this engine, thanks Darren

P.S where can i get an exhaust for this engine ?

Sorry it taken so long Darren, my wireless router quit working last week. First, I can't say where to buy a exhaust, If Honda doesn't offer them anymore, you're left with EBAY, a recycler, or some other on-line outlet.  

The ignition is most likely the coil wire or plug cap assuming the plugs not just fouled. Try pulling the plugs out an lay them up against the head and watch for spark when you crank the engine.  That coil, I believe has one coil with two high tension wires coming out to the plugs.  Those two plugs fire at the same time so the coil is probably not the root cause.   
