Motorcycle Repair: gas in oil, piston rings, honda rebel
Questioni have a honda rebel clone called a pioneer its a 250cc. i can get it to start but it will not hold an idol.i checked the oil and there was gas in it.i think the carb has bad gas in it the guy i bought it from said it sat for a few years.what is the easiet and cheapest way to clean the carb. or could there be something else wrong.
AnswerGas in the oil is not good, it means the carb has flooded at one point (usually because of a stuck float) and gas has seeped past the piston rings into the oil supply. The first thing you should do before anything else is to change the oil - do NOT run the engine until you have done this! Once that is done, try draining the gas tank and the carb float bowl and fill with fresh gas.