QuestionBike had been sitting up for sometime so I went through the carbs and got it
running. The bike is hard to get started cold but after it warms up it runs
better but the left cylinder seems to be not hitting at all or very little. with it
running pulling the left plug wire off makes no difference. Its exh. pipe is
warm . when taking off it is evident that one cyl seems to be dead missing or
close to it however when the rpm gets to appox. 2,500 the engine picks up
and runs fine with plenty of power. Also when engine is idling and the left cyl.
missing, spraying starting fluid into the left carb makes the left cyl. start
hitting . It acts like the slow speed circuit is inoperative. One more thing,
when riding and engine starts running correctly after 2,500 rpm, when
throttle is closed it acts like a two cycle ( you know ). HELP, HELP. Could you
send me a carb diagram explaining the different circuits and how they work?
AnswerGeorge, sounds like the low speed jets are plugged. As the speed increases, the slides lift and fuel start to flow through the main jet. I think you will find out when you take the idle jet out it's plugged when you hold it up to the light and look through it.