Motorcycle Repair: harley stalling, crane ignition, exhast

QUESTION: Hi I have a 1998 Heritage with springer front end ,I have the crane ignition single fire hi-4 coil and module,I have spent 1500.00 trying to find the problem,I ride the bike about 40 minutes and it stalls like someone turned the key off if I wait 15 minutes it starts back up and will stall again sooner or later sometimes in 100ft,sometimes in one mile,I put in a new crane coil,all new circut breakers,they have tested everything and sat they test normal,they can't get the bike to stall when they check it, when it stalls and I try to fire it right back up,it makes a sound like it is out of time and won't start.If I wait and try to start it later it starts and does not make the noise,also once in a while it will like backfire through the exhast,then after a while it will stall,does not stall running at the house only while driving,please help,I have used up all my funds,thanks Tony

ANSWER: Go for a ride and let it stall. Pull a plug and see if your getting spark and let me know. Do it several times to make sure if you are getting a spark or not
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: mike I started it up today warmed it up for about 2 min. left and got between 1/4 to a 1/2 mile and it stalled pulled a plug and no spark,waited about 5 min. and it started back up it ran idleing about 30 sec. and stalled again,I pulled the plug and no spark,waited 15min would not start,towed it home and 1/2hour later it started back up,I forgot to tell you that I put a new voltage regulator on it also,someone said something to me about a heat sensor,I don't even know if there is one,thanks for your time and help,Tony..

Nest thing to check would be to see if you have power at the coil when it shuts off using a test light. If you have power then your ignition is probably bad. If you dont have power, then you have a short in the wiring. Trace it back to the on/off switch.
Good luck and happy riding