Motorcycle Repair: honda cmx250cd, throttle cables, rubber boot
QuestionI have a 1986 honda cmx250cd . when I bought it the guy had the carb off of it. I just need to know how to re-install it. the rest of the bike is together
AnswerWell Judy, on the back of the cylinder head there's an intake manifold with a rubber boot on it. The carb outlet goes in that boot and there's a clamp that will seal it. There are two throttle cables that have to be hooked up. You'll have to figure out which cable is the pull cable and which is the push cable. The pull cable is the one that opens the throttle butterfly. The cables are then pulled up to the bracket on the side of the carb and the pinch nuts need to be tightened. You have to install the choke cable, fuel line and air cleaner and that's about all there is to it.