Motorcycle Repair: 1981 honda cb750 {brake problem}, 1981 honda cb750, ring groove
Questioni have a honda an its seems sometimes the brakes lock up after riding it an if i let it sit to long in the cold ive tried heating up the pads to release, it work a lil but not enough i was wondering what i could do so the brakes work normal i was thinking about bleeding them but i dotn know how to an im not sure if that would work
AnswerJeff, I'm afraid bleeding them won't help. You need to take them apart and clean them. There's a varnish that forms inside the o-ring groove that closes up the clearance pinching the o-ring hard against the piston so it can't retract. You have to pull the o-ring out and then take a bent and flattened nail or something and scrape all of the varnish out. Just be careful not to damage the groove or it will leak.