Motorcycle Repair: 1973 Honda cb500 Electric ignition, 1973 honda cb500, stock coils
QuestionRecently I changed over my Points/Condenser ignition system to a Dyna electric system and in the process replaced my stock coils with Dyna 3ohm coils. Since the transition the only way to start my bike is to kick start it. The electric starter doesn't seem to get enough juice. Also, the system seems to be drawing more power than is replaced by the stator so the battery dies fairly quick. Not really sure where to begin to fix the problem. I have charged the battery many times in the past so maybe it is bad, but I never seemed to have any trouble until the switch. The system just seems to draw too much power. Thanks
AnswerShawn, I think the two are unrelated. The current draw by the parts you changed is pretty small compared to the current required to crank the engine. Unless there's a constant current draw on the battery by the parts you replaced, it's probably a bad battery.