Motorcycle Repair: 93 sportster 1200, upper tubes, fork extensions

Hi I have a 1993 Sportster. I currently have a set of buckhorn handle bars on my bike. I wish to get a set of straight bars for it to get my long arms out further for more comfort as well as just not liking the buckhorns. My question is about the risers. I have seen various sizes such as 6 inch risers and so forth. Whats the best way of knowing which is right for me? Also could I also put fork extensions on my bike and is that a good idea. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I say just go to a swap meet and pick up a couple of cheap riser sets of various lengths as well as your straight bars and then try them on your bike to see what you like. The only way I know of to lengthen your forks is to replace the upper tubes. They come in 2 inch over sizes, ie. 2" 4" 6" overs. But this will involve rebuilding the front end.