my 55
QUESTION: i have a 55 fl recently rebuilt 90 miles ago,when built by a shop i had given them a su carb and a new morris mag g5,bike was real hard starting,after i rode it 25 miles bike wouldn't start at all i was noticing gas was not going into heads,i checked the timing it was right on the money,i did a compression check at 25 miles frt,85psi rear 100psi,shop talked me into a linkert m74-b,and mallory started up fairly easy after 80 miles or so the bike was hard to start again hot or cold,i did another comp chk frt and rear 65 psi hot and cold mtr put oil in cylinder bumped it to 70psi i checked with three different gauges.btw i sold that su and mag to a guy with a 52fl and he said his bike never ran better,so i know it wasn't the mag or carb.i also noticed when my motor was running cold very little oil pressure,i am at my wits end i can't find anyone here in dallas to help me with it,no one knows old motors,do you have any suggestions or answers?please help,mark
ANSWER: Couple of questions. Did they install low compression pistons or standard? When cold, what oil pressure are you running?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i was told high compression kieth black or wisecos,cold 45-50 psi
AnswerIf the pistons you told me were installed then you should be running around 90 to 100 PSI, so your compression is a little low. As to your oil pressure, if you are running 45 to 50 PSI cold that is fine. If anything, its a little high depending on how cold the weather is.
Remove the air cleaner and have somebody kick it over while you hold your hand over the throat of the carb. When it sucks your hand remove it. Are you getting gas? Also, are you runninig hydrolic or solid lifters? My last question is what how are you stating the bike? What I mean is do you kick it over a few times with the ignition off and then turn the ignition on and kick it?