Motorcycle Repair: Honda CL200- idle/throttle cable prob, needle nose pliers, timing advance
I fixed the issue with the cylinder that was not firing. After, replacing my battery, the cylinder is firing well. I didnt think that could be the problem, but hey. So now, i got the bike to idle, but as soon as i hit the throttle, the bike goes up in RPM, but does not go back down. The cable is only a few days old, and seems to be routed well. Could something else be the problem?
AnswerMichael, the first make sure the slides are moving freely when the engine isn't running by lifting and letting the springs inside the carbs close the slides. You should hear a crisp crack as they close and bottom out in the carb body. They should also click closed at the same time so you shouldn't hear individual slides.
If the carbs are closing properly, it's possible the timing advance unit is worn out keeping the timing advanced. THose springs fatigue and relax. If you take a pair of needle nose pliers, you can close up the loops at the end of the springs slightly to increase the tension. Just don't increase them too much or the bike won't perform properly.