Motorcycle Repair: fouling out plugs, straight pipes, harley dealer

QUESTION: I have a 1985 evo motor that has a s&s super E carb on it and straight pipes everything thing else on the motor is stock. Starting this motorcycle is very difficult and alot of the time I will run the battery down before it starts so where I ride to has to be carefully planned out and that sucks. I get spark but I bought a new coil anyway and I bought a rebuild kit for the carb and went through the carb. I took it to the local harley dealer and they only want to work on the new stuff but they did check the timing and told me that the timing was good. The last 2 riding seasons I've been fouling out the front plug after approx. 10 starts of the motor. I think these 2 problems must be linked but not sure. One last thing is that after getting the bike started and if I haven't fouled a plug the bike just runs great and no more problems starting as long as the motor is warm. Thanks for you time Russ

ANSWER: Has the bike always been hard to start or is this somthing new?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It's  a harley so its never really just fired right up on the first turn of the key but it has gotten worst over time and now the last 2 season has really been bad.

Since you changed your coil Iwould recommend changing the plug wires. They could be going bad, which would cause the problem. If you still are having problems after doing that, then I would check the carb. You might have it jetted incorrectly or the inrichner is not working properly. If you wan the directions on how to jet you can go to the S&S web site and in the tech pages you will find the directions
Good luck and happy riding