Motorcycle Repair: 69 CT90 12v Conversion, 12v battery, voltage output
QuestionIm trying to convert the wifes CT90 to 12v and was wondering what parts I would need to change (other than the battery and bulbs). Im completely rebuilding it and am running it without blinkers, horn or other accessories with an after market 12v headlight. Ive searched the web for days and cant find a straight answer.
Thanks for the input!
AnswerMatt, as far as I know it can't be done with standard available parts. You'll have to rewind the stator winding to double the number of windings to increase the voltage output. You'll have to get a 12 volt recitfier/regulator, a 12v battery, coil, along with all of the other electrics including the horn.
I wouldn't recommend it.