Motorcycle Repair: 1997 honda vfr750c2 starter clutch, starter clutch, clutch slippage

I recently had my oil changed from a blend to full synthetic and now my starter is not engaging half the time.I asked my local mechanic (who did the oil change) whats up! He advised thats its the starter clutch and it would be approx. $600 to fix. I said ouch! I'm wondering if it was a mistake going synthetic and should I go back to a blend (as previous owner was running)or is it too late for that. I probably started the bike maybe 20 times and about 10 times I get a grinding noise and then a zing.Without a manual it appears the clutch is behind the right side cover is this a easy repair and/or is it that the parts are expensive

Bill, it could just be a coincidence that the oil change and clutch slipping happened at the same time. However, I've had problem with using synthetic oils in my motorcycles.  I've had clutch slippage issues after using synthetics.  I went back to regular oils and it went away.  I'd recommend you trying going back to dino based oil and see if it clears up.  

If the clutch still slips, it's a real easy fix.  Take the right cover off and it's right there.  The hardest part will be parting with the cash to get a replacement.  If you get a used one it will be a lot less.
