Motorcycle Repair: electric start problem, switch buttons, battery connection
Question I have a 2004 883 with 3500 miles.(bought this year used and has always been hard to start) I replaced the battery once and put on a battery tender. either the lights won't come on and I can't get any juice, or the lights come on and once I hit the start button it all goes dead again. I played with the terminal connections and get the lights to all come on again but it all goes out once I hit the start button.Before I have wiggled the whole bike and gotten the lights and got it to turn over and start.Today I got it to turn over several times but before it would start, I lost the battery connection again. the start and kill switch buttons seem excessively worn. Could the whole start-kill box on the handle bar be faulty? Thank You for any help.
AnswerYou need to determine where you short is, so you will need a test light. First, check you connections of your battery on both ends. Your ground might not be making good connection. If that is not it, then go to start the bike so the power goes off. Go to the ignition switch and make sure you have power going to it as well as away from it. If you do then check the switches on the handlebars for power.
Good luck and happy riding