Motorcycle Repair: Can You Help!!! Plzzzz, cb750 honda, rubber bushings

i have a 70 cb750 honda an it been with no gas tank since my sisters boyfriend got locked up,i bought it off her for $200 was that a good deal?...well the gas tank is off it an she said i need to jump it to start it,my question is can u give me directions on how to put it bk on....Ty

Amanda, sounds like a good deal to me.  If you look inside the front of the tank, you will see two metal sockets that look like "U"s.   On the frame there are two rubber bushings that are mounted on two steel pegs on the frame up near the front forks.  The rubber bushing slide into those two sockets.  At the back of the tank there's a flat tab that slides into the rubber mount that is on top of the frame just at the front of the seat.  You have to pry the rear mount up and over the top of the rear tank mount to hold it down.  

Hope this helps