QuestionI cant get my bike started without starting fluid and when it does start it goes to 6000 RPM max and if I let go of the throttle it looks like it chokes on gas WhaT are your suggestions? Please help if you can Thanx
AnswerSHANE! I am not psychic, I don't know what bike you are working on and it would help SO MUCH if you would have told me what it was.....
If an engine doesn't start on anything but starting fluid, then probably the carburetors are all plugged up with old fuel deposits.
"Chokes on gas" is a big vague... are you seeing fuel coming back out of the carb(s)? Most engines will show blowback through the carbs at certain engine speeds or when you whack the throttle open momentarily.
Engines that rev up unexpectedly usually are suffering from stuck throttles due to varnish, misrouted throttle cables that are pulling the carb slide(s) open, spark timing advancers that are stuck wide in the full advance position, vacuum leaks in the intake tract, Throttle cables that are unraveling internally and causing the cable to jam or other causes due to neglect or poor maintenance.
Clean the entire fuel system, from gas cap to float bowl, check/replace the throttle cable, make sure that the ignition timing/advance is correct and repair any air leaks in the inlet side of the head.
Bill MrHonda Silver