Motorcycle Repair: Suzuki DS80 kicks start shaft replacement, suzuki ds80, shaft gears
QuestionDear sir,
I am restoring a 1995 Suzuki DS80 motorcycle for a 4-H project (I am 12). The kick start shaft broke, and my dad got me a new one. We took off the right side plate, but we can't get the old shaft to slide out. Is there something else we need to do?
Thank you very much.
AnswerTommy, you are in for a lot more work then you planned....
The kickstarter shaft/gears are all locked into the engine cases. This is a motor tear-down project. The engine cases are split vertically, so you have to pull the top end off (cylinder head, cylinder) then pull the clutch stuff out and then split the engine cases. You will need a flywheel puller special tool, at the least. I don't know if the later Suzukis need a case splitter tool or not... This is not my brand, so don't have further details on that procedure. Time to shop for a shop manual.
Bill MrHonda Silver