Motorcycle Repair: starter problem, sportster 1200, starter solenoid
QuestionQUESTION: I own a 1989 sportster 1200 that won't start. All I hear when I press the starter button is a loud sound but the motor won't turn over. The battery tested okay. A new stator was recently installed by a local mechanic. I believe it may be a starter problem so my question is how to test for this and how to remove it from the motor if I have to replace it?
ANSWER: First, I would make sure it the starter. Located the small wire coming from the starter solenoid and remove it. Press the starter button. Are you getting power at this wire?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: at first i wasn't getting but .3 volts to it but after realizing that the wire eyelet and connecting bolt was coroded, i took a wire wheel and cleaned them both off. now i am getting 12.3 volts to it and it still wont start. i did by mistake take the cover off on the right side to find burn marks on the inside of the cover and the plate right there appears to be coroded as well
AnswerIt sounds like you need to pull the starter and test it. there are several tests that need to be done to find the problem or you can replace it. To find how to do the tests you would have to get a service manual. It will have pics to follow. It would be to tough to explain on here how to do the tests. Also, to test the armature you would need some special equipment.
Good luck and happy riding