Motorcycle Repair: Winter Storage, inexpensive gasoline, trickle charger
QuestionOK, I've finally got my 1982 CM450E Honda oil changed with filter, the chain tightened and lubed, a full tank of 3 gallons of fresh (inexpensive!) gasoline and added 1.2 fluid ounces of Sta-bil gas stabilizer. The bikes in the mostly unheated drive in garage under my house on the kickstand. I don't have a trickle charger, but I do have an auto battery with selections for 12 volt or 6 volt, 6 amps or 2 amps... but no trickle charge. (I figure I'll charge it next spring.) What else, if anything, do I need to do or consider for storing it six months. PS: I'm thinking of changing my insurance from full 12 months down to just 6 months, May 1 to November 1 this next year due to the lack of warm days in SE Ohio.
AnswerYou might want to take the spark plugs out and squirt a little oil in the cylinders and then bump the starter over to lubricate all of the internal parts of the cylinders. Then put the plugs back in. THis will keep rust from condensation from causing you a problem. I often take something like wd 40 and spray my bike all over to keep condensation from causing rust or corrosion on my pipes or aluminum. I'd also drain the float bowls if you don't plan to start the bike during the winter. If you leave the gas in it, it will evaporate and leave a gummy residue even with sablizer in it.