Motorcycle Repair: Carburetor Floats, throttle cable, shims

Stats; 1980 CB900C. 31,700 mi. parked in garage since 1992, no fuel in tank or carbs. Cleaned it up, started up and runs good, but all 4 carbs are running gas out of the overflow tubes. Manual says must replace all 4 floats if out of tolerance (at $55+ ea). Is there any another option? Any other possible fix, such as shims?. I've already put over $400 ($1000 for bike) in tires throttle cable and misc.

Don, you probably don't need to replace them but you do need to find out what's causing them to stick. Those are plastic non-adjustable floats.  Unless they are cracked or damaged somehow, I can't imagine why you'd have to replace them  Check to see if the tips of the needles are hard or if the float pins are sticking.  Try just tapping on the sides of the float bowls with a screwdriver handle and see if they don't free up.
