QuestionQUESTION: when i replaced the ignition switch myself, the plastic top threaded head broke, but i glued it together an used it anyway. ran OK for a little bit then bike would stop running suddenly
and took several tries to restart.. engine would backfire at times.
then bike failed to start all together no head lite no radio
shop said they could find only that the ignition switch is bad, replaced with new ignition, bike would run good for about 7 months then have the same problem all over again what is ruining ignition switch, 3 times this happened
ANSWER: What did the shop say was failing on the switch?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: no power coming from switch,
last time dealers electric guru looked at it and said, thats all he could find, this was a problem that puzzled them. So he bypassed hot lead, without replacing switch said switch would always get pwr and this would take care of
it did not, dealer had a rough time diagnosing problem last few times seemed to leave puzzled.
A-dealer replaces switch- bike starts and runs fine
B-after a short time, an intermittent problem with starting bike occurs. push starter button nothing, try several times before it makes contact. then bike works good again-- for a while?
this goes on for several months up to a year depending how often i ride. but one day she stops working all together.
before the hot wire/ the radio,headlite,and turn signal would also stop working. This time they stayed on and you could hear a click from the relay that is next battery.
I took off head lamp and wiggled wires on the two breakers
in the middle one set has a bar connecting them
head lite and clicking stopped all i did was touch them
checked all 5 breakers only 2nd one from left as you are facing them has pwr coming in.
help me out here give me some clues as to what i can do to see whats wrong, if you where me what would you do
I am thinking of replacing switch again
maybe replacing breakers and relay
does this make sense -- whats that, sell the bike you say????
ha ha
AnswerAbout the only things that can make your switch go bad is to much voltage, the switch that was put in wasnt any good to begin with, or old age.
If it were me I would replace the switch and also check the area for pinched wires, rubbed wires or burned wires. Also, so a voltage at the battery to make sure your stator is not putting out to much voltage
Good luck and happy riding