Question1994 honda xr200r wont start - its been sitting for 6 months, before that it
would only start with a running push start. its got a new carb a year ago, and
i did all the norm tune up, I get spark but little compression and no
combustion sound at all the kick is weak and easy with no deep engine
also I looked at the carb today and it looks brand new on the inside, BUT
when I put it back on !! now it leaks everywhere when I turn the gas on??
other than this last time i rode it it had lots of power and sounded great. also
the throttle is sticking on and its hard to turn. The rear brake is sticking on
and barely works...
Stupid first time mechanics here- sorry.. my brother in law just gave me this
bike and Im getting into it for the first time....
any ideas??
thanks paolo
AnswerPaolo, the first thing to do is to remove the carburetor and clean out all the passages and jets. When gasoline sits in a carburetor for 6 months, most of it evaporates out and leaves thick deposits that block the metering functions. Clean the tank, petcock (fuel valve) and carburetor first. The carb leaks because the float valve is sticking open.
Next, learn about adjusting the valves from sites like and then check your valve adjustments. The clearance is only .002" but must be there so that the valves can fully close and keep compression inside.
The rear wheel needs to be removed, then remove the brake shoes and finally the brake cams, which actuate the brake shoes. Clean and lubricate (lightly) the brake cams and the holes in the backing plate, then reassemble again.
Get a shop manual to help guide you along. Make sure you have some decent metric tools to use in your repairs.
Bill Silver