final product
QUESTION: I have an 77superglide 74inch. Motor went bad and I took the motor out to get rebuilt. While motor was out I redid the frame,new paint & all. I got motor back with issues. It has been bored 60 over.I have less than 600 miles on it and cannot keep her running. I have been told it is all in the carb. It has a S&S super E on it. I get some black smoke out exhaust and rear plug is fouled badly. I was told I was running to rich and to adjust carb. Afraid I have it so far out now it wont stay running.
What should be the proper jet size and how do you adjust carb from scratch? My dad gave me this bike and there is no way I am getting rid of it. He is my hero.
ANSWER: How did it run before having it rebuilt? Did you make any changes after rebuilding, like exhaust or ignition? Are the plugs sooty or oily black?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: this reason it was rebuilt was a wrist pin came loose and tore up cylinder wall(front)!!! boring it 60 over saved it. But it fouled front plug all the time(wet) also cylinder wall was bad letting oil by. Everythig is same before we rebuilt it, just new motor interally. plus new cables and brakes rotors etc... The back cylinder plug black sooty & is a dry soot. front plug fairly clean.nothing to effect motor. I was told Super E was to big and too new for my motor. some are telling me its all in carb adjustment others not sure. Guy that I took it to for motor, he shipped it out to another guy out of town, won't work on it. I do have a guy within 30 miles who might but if I can do it I would prefer that.
Answerthe super carb is just fine for your bike and a lot better than the old stock carb.
Since your bike is fouling the one plug and not the other, that is usually not a carb problem. If you had a carb problem it would foul both plugs. I would first do a OHMs test on the coil and plug wires to make sure they are good. You might just have a bad plug wire or coil.
If you need to adjust the carb, you can go to the S&S web site to the tech pages and there you will find how to jet the carb
Good luck and happy riding