Motorcycle Repair: Carb popping, air fuel mixture, dyna jet
QuestionQUESTION: 06 883l. Carb always popped a little after I punched holes in the plug in my stock exhaust. Well I put a 180 main and a 45 slow in it the other day. I also drilled holes in the backplate and along the sides of the stock air box. The carb is still popping a little when I start off from a stop and a sometimes when I am slowing down to turn. It doesn't do this all the time, but it does happen every time I ride. When it gets warmed up it doesn't do it as often but still does it. Just for a further description, when I lightly roll on the throttle it will pop and want to die. Sometimes it can do this 3 or 4 times before it will rev up a little. What do you think the problem is? It idles higher now since the re-jet but I heard that that makes more oil flow therefore making it run cooler. Is this true?
ANSWER: Install a Dyna-jet kit and that sould solve your problem. A high idle does not make the bike run any cooler.
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Okay I have heard that drilling the slide isn't such a good idea. Why is the Dyna-jet kit better?
AnswerDrilling the slide makes the slide react faster, but you have to go a certain size. Going to big will make it worse. the kit has a spific size drill bit to do the drilling. You will also be opening hte air/fuel mixture screw to adjust it for a better idle. Lastly, the correct jets are supplied for you bike and the pumper will be changed for a better transition between gears. Adding it will give you more throttle responce.
Good luck and happy riding