Motorcycle Repair: 93 honda vt1100c wont start, starter solenoid, honda vt1100c

I have a '93 VT 1100c Honda shadow that won't start I have tried to push start it and jump it. when you push the start button all it does is click once, it doesn't even try to turn over.
I have checked all fuses and connections I can think of,power is getting from the batt. to solenoid but I don't know how check that. I live in west central Fla.

Sorry Adam, but my experience is with pre-82 Hondas.  However, I'd take a screwdriver and bridge between the two lugs on the top of the starter solenoid.  If the starter cranks, it's probably a bad solenoid.  If it doesn't crank over the starter could be bad.  Don't hold it more than a second or two.  You are putting a lot of current into that little starter and heats up very fast when it's not turning.
