Motorcycle Repair: oil leaking out, vent tube, oil level
QuestionI have a 1976 sportster 1000. My question is it has been sitting for awhile with no gas in it as to the points went bad so it was gonna sit for awhile. we got the new points put them in and when we tried to crank the bike over it started puking oil from the tube that is on the right side by the generator. I checked the oil level and it was not over full. What could this be? It will puke the oil out but will start and be fine until you crank it over again
AnswerThere is a ball in the oil pump that is held down with a spring and is suppose to keep oil from going into the bottom end when the bike is not running. When you start it the oil pump cant pump it out fast enough, so you get oil out the vent tube. The seat for the ball probably has crud on it and the ball is not seating
Good luck and happy riding