Motorcycle Repair: 84 XL350R cranksahft bearings., rod bearings, retaining ring

Hi Rich, hope you can help. I just bought an "84 XL350R which has dropped a valve, trashing the head and piston.
I've split the cases to clean out all the aluminium bits and decided to replace the cranksahft bearings while its apart. Now the manual says the crankshaft is pressed into the left hand crankcase half, and needs to be removed in a workshop with a press. However, when I split the cases, the crankshaft and both bearings came out of the crankcase halves easily. The bearings are NTN TM-R-SCO685C3. The bottom end was supposedly rebuilt professionally a year ago, and I think these bearings may have been installed then. The question is, can I refit new bearings like the ones that were in it when I bought it, even though they don't appear to be the correct bearings as stipulated by honda??

Sure if they are the same size as what was there before.  Bearings come in standard sizes unless the manufacturer requires something special like a retaining ring or locator pin.  The bearing you can't get to without pressing the crank apart is the rod bearings.
