QuestionQUESTION: Bike specs are: 1986 Evo FXR with stock heads and barrels. Does have an EV35 cam, Mikuni HS40 and free flowing Pythons.
The problem is in changing up through the gears once the bike gets warm (I suspect it’s more the gearbox getting warm than the engine); down seems fine so far with no issues. The problem can happen in gear after I take-off but is really obvious from 3rd up. Its not sticking forward controls as I do not run them and the normal stoke linkages are all clean.
The problem is that when I pull in the clutch and then shift upwards the foot lever moves per normal, BUT there is no gear there!....that is it’s a smooth movement covering the normal shift distance but it feels like the gears are not engaged at all. Once I release the clutch out I am still in the original gear.
To resolve the problem I either ride along and wait as the problem normally fixes itself in a 10 yards or so, or more reliably I genteelly tap downward on the foot shifter and then try again with a 90% success rate – mind you sometime I tap too hard and suddenly find myself shifting down without the clutch.
Its almost like a return spring is not working or something.
ANSWER: Do you have the 5 speed or the 4 speed?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Its a 1986 5 speed. Standard OEM gears etc. The clutch is basically stock but runs aftermarket friction and steel disks.
AnswerYour problem is either a broken shifter spring or the spacing on the gear or a bent shifter dog. If you remove the top cover while the trans is in the bike then you can inspect for the problem. If not, then the trans will have to be removed
Good luck and happy riding