QuestionQUESTION: Can you outline the procedure for replacing front wheel bearings, have a front end wiggle. I have new bearings, seals and a small selection of shims, but, I CANNOT find my manual (arg). Even just the axle torque specs would help, the whole process would be a blessing! Thank you in advance.
ANSWER: Do you have the new bearing races too?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes, i have races. Sorry for not being clearer.
AnswerYou need to replace the races, but you will need a race remover to get them out. Once you have them removed and installed install the bearing with the old shims. Now you need to install the axle so you can tighten it and check the spacing. You should have .002 side play in the bearings. Change the spacers to get the above reading. Install the seals and install the wheel. Torque to 60 ft/lbs
Good luck and happy riding