Motorcycle Repair: 2002 Ultra Classic, garmin zumo 550, pluged
Question2 quick questions, first is a heard from a friend that around 25k miles the cam should be serviced? Is this true & what's the best plan of attack there as I have 28k on my 1450cc now?
#2 is the audio system I have the audio out of my Garmin Zumo 550 pluged into the aux/CD on the radio to hear the Zumo but how can I get the mic intergrated to the sysyem so I don't have to have a seperate mike plugged into Zumo?
AnswerYes, you need to have the rub blocks on the chains checked. If one goes out it will either ruin the chain or worse damage the cam
As to the audio system. You would have to check with a dealer on that. I don not work on audio systems
Good luck and happy riding