Motorcycle Repair: Sticky Clutch Plates on 1981 FX Shovelhead, barnett clutch, chain oilers
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1981 FXWG Shovelhead. It all began when the STOCK plates stuck together. Since then I've tried a Barnett clutch (it grabbed and stuck), a kevlar clutch (it grabbed and stuck also) and then I tried a V-Twin police clutch and it sticks also! All of these clutches are wet/dry operation. I've seen where a little bit of oil gets into the basket (I know that a little oil goes there to oil the primary chain). The secondary chain oilers are blocked off. I also tried cleaning the police clutch disks with brake cleaner and applied a light coat of non-petroleum based wet type silicone spray as Harley recommends in the manual...the plates STILL stuck! I've tried the method of rocking the bike loose while it is turned off and in gear and I get it loose, but it STILL sticks! Every time I go to take off from first gear it sticks! I've even put a Ram Jet in it and that didn't help! It felt like it was grabbing to go forward before I put in the Ram Jet and before and after the installation of the Ram Jet the plates still stick. All the adjustment are correct per the Harley manual. I am using SAE 50 Harley Oil and Bel Ray Trans Lube. When I'm riding it the clutch sticks (rather it's hot or cold) when you go to change gears. I have to pull in the clutch and give it a lot of gas to get it to break loose before I can down shift. My stock plates look totally different from all the aftermarket kits I have tired (the stock plates are marked "out" and were installed properly and have some wide slots that all match, but the aftermarket plates do not all match and have some narrow slots, does this matter?). I've even tried a new pressure plate and clutch springs and that didn't help! When I took the last police clutch apart, at the outer edge of some of the friction discs was a black gummy substance, but the oil looked nice and clean in the primary. This black substance was on the plates that were stuck. (I haven't figured out where that came from yet.)
ANY help would be awesome!! I look forward to hearing what may be causing this problem.
ANSWER: Couple of things. First, when you slide the clutches in the basket do they go on hard or do they slide on the pins easily? When you are adjusting the outer plate with the springs, what measurement are you using?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The plates slide on easily and I am using the measurement that the Harley manual states to use. In fact, it is even a new clutch hub as well.
AnswerSkuff the clutch disks with some emery cloth. reinstall them after putting a little anti-seize on the pins. When you install the outer plate go with the measurement you have been using and then back off the nuts a couple of turns. It sounds like the plates are not releasing all the way. If you back off the nuts then there is not as much pressure on the plate
Good luck and happy riding